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Angebot Datensatz

New York City Nahverkehrsdaten

Das Angebot wurde von einem Nutzer am 28. Juli 2013 inseriert.
Der Datensatz enthält die offiziellen Nahverkehrsdaten von U-Bahn, Bus und Schiene der Stadt New York City. Dies umfasst Fahrpläne sowie Verkehrs- und Nutzungsdaten, Das Datenformat ist  General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS), XML, CSV und Klartext.

Quelle: http://mta.info/developers/download.html

Ausschnitt aus den Daten:

route_id,agency_id,route_short_name,route_long_name,route_desc, route_type,route_url,route_color, route_text_color1,MTA NYCT,1,Broadway - 7 Avenue Local,"Trains operate between 242 St in the Bronx and South Ferry in Manhattan, most times",1,http://www.mta.info/nyct/service/pdf/t1cur.pdf,EF3E42,2,MTA NYCT,2,7 Avenue Express,"Trains operate between Wakefield-241 St, Bronx, and Flatbush Av-Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, at all times. Trains operate local in Bronx and Brooklyn. Trains operate express in Manhattan except late night when it operates local.",1,http://www.mta.info/nyct/service/pdf/t2cur.pdf,EF3E42, 3,MTA NYCT,3,7 Avenue Express,"Trains operate between 148 St, 7 Av, Manhattan, and New Lots Av, Brooklyn, at all times except late nights. During late nights, trains operate only in Manhattan between 148 St, 7 Av and Times Square-42 St.",1,http://www.mta.info/nyct/service/pdf/t3cur.pdf,EF3E42,4,MTA NYCT,4,Lexington Avenue Express,"Trains operate daily between Woodlawn/Jerome Av, Bronx, and Utica Av/Eastern Pkwy, Brooklyn, running express in Manhattan and Brooklyn. During late night and early morning hours, trains runs local in Manhattan and Brooklyn, and extends beyond Utica Av to New Lots/Livonia Avs, Brooklyn.",1,http://www.mta.info/nyct/service/pdf/t4cur.pdf,00A65C,5,MTA NYCT,5,Lexington Avenue Express,"Weekdays daytime, most trains operate between either Dyre Av or 238 St-Nereid Av, Bronx, and Flatbush Av-Brooklyn College, Brooklyn. At all other times except during late nights, trains operate between Dyre Av, Bronx, and Bowling Green, Manhattan. During late nights trains operate only in the Bronx between Dyre Av and E 180 St/MorrisPark Av. Customers who ride during late night hours can transfer to 2 service at the E 180 St Station. At all times, trains operate express in Manhattan and Brooklyn. Weekdays, trains in the Bronx operate express from E 180 St to 149 St-3 Av during morning rush hours (from about 6 AM to 9 AM), and from 149 St-3 Av to E 180 St during the evening rush hours (from about 4 PM to 7 PM).",1,http://www.mta.info/nyct/service/pdf/t5cur.pdf,00A65C,6,MTA NYCT,6,Lexington Avenue Local,"Local trains operate between Pelham Bay Park/Bruckner Expwy, Bronx, and Brooklyn Bridge/City Hall, Manhattan, at all times.",1,http://www.mta.info/nyct/service/pdf/t6cur.pdf,00A65C,6X,MTA NYCT,6X,Lexington Avenue Express,"Express trains operate between Pelham Bay Park/Bruckner Expwy, Bronx, and Brooklyn Bridge/City Hall, Manhattan, weekday mornings toward Manhattan. Weekday afternoons and evenings, these trains operate express to the bronx.",1,http://www.mta.info/nyct/service/pdf/t6cur.pdf,00A65C,7,MTA NYCT,7,Flushing Local,"Trains operate between Main St-Flushing, Queens, and 42 St-Times Square, Manhattan, at all times. ",1,http://www.mta.info/nyct/service/pdf/t7cur.pdf,9D3D97,

Was sind Nahverkehrsdaten ?
Nahverkehrsdaten sind Informationen über Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel wie Busse, U-Bahnen oder Züge. Diese Informationen können Fahrpläne, Fahrstrecken, Ticketpreise, Verfügbarkeit und andere Details beinhalten. Sie werden häufig von staatlichen Stellen wie Verkehrsämtern oder Verkehrsverbünden sowie von privaten Transportunternehmen bereitgestellt. Sie sind ein wesentlicher Bestandteil für modernes Reiseplanungs- und Mobilitätsmanagement.
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Download der Dateien

Größe: 4.92M
Größe: 47.46K
Größe: 32.9K
Größe: 169.29K
Größe: 328.14K
Long Island Bus.zip
Größe: 2.76M
Long Island Rail Road.zip
Größe: 131.62K
Metro-North Railroad.zip
Größe: 1.39M
MTA Bus Company Data.zip
Größe: 938.7K
Größe: 12.54K
Größe: 112.99K
Größe: 95.5K
ts_Field Description.txt
Größe: 3.19K
Größe: 10.93M

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